Rendering engine MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms MDN

When in doubt, the mobile friendly test tool
is a great way to test that your chosen approach does what you’re hoping for. It
shows a visual preview of how any page appears to Google’s crawler, the
serialized HTML content it finds after JavaScript is executed, and any errors
encountered during rendering. To better understand the architectures we’re choosing from when we make this
decision, we need a solid understanding of each approach and consistent
terminology to use when speaking about them. The differences between rendering
approaches help illustrate the tradeoffs of rendering on the web from the
perspective of page performance. One of the core decisions web developers must make is where to implement logic
and rendering in their application.

  • This flexibility allows us to get the best of each of the methods to deliver the best final product for users.
  • With this
    approach, individual pieces of a server-rendered application are “booted up”
    over time, instead of the current common approach of initializing the entire
    application at once.
  • For real-time, it is appropriate to simplify one or more common approximations, and tune to the exact parameters of the scenery in question, which is also tuned to the agreed parameters to get the most ‘bang for the buck’.

As the server only delivers an application shell, the browser has to rely on JavaScript for the page to be fully loaded and functional. Although Google crawlers are able to parse JavaScript and render your web pages, this topic is still quite controversial. There are many experiments as well as lessons learned from switching between CSR and SSR that indicate that SSR is superior when it comes to SEO. More than 30 years ago, the web started as a collection of static documents, built for scientists to share their findings and ideas. Over the following decades, the web had become more dynamic, technologies like PHP, MySQL, and the likes enabled developers to build more dynamic functionalities. The differences, trade-offs, and similarities between most common web rendering solutions and why you should care about them as a dev.


So if your website has a lot of JavaScript elements there is a chance that search engines (or well, their robots) aren’t able to understand what’s on your page and mistakenly think there is no content to see. Since the bot thinks there’s nothing to see, it won’t include your page in its index. Some search engines aren’t capable of rendering JavaScript at all, while others (including industry-giants Google and Bing) struggle to do so.

However, architectures where rendering happens both on
the server and on the client are their own class of solution with very
different performance characteristics and tradeoffs. React users can use
server DOM APIs or solutions
built on them like Next.js for server-side rendering. Most popular
solutions use some form of hydration, though, so be aware of the approaches
your tool uses.

Page render speed

DEV Community — A constructive and inclusive social network for software developers. If you found this post useful and would like to see more content, you could react to this post, which would make me very happy. If you have any comments or corrections that could improve this post, I would be glad to receive them. Once the re-rendering has happened, React has the context of two versions of the React.createElement output, the version executed before the state change occurred, and the version executed after the state has changed. Even when the process’s name is rendering, at this point, the DOM has not been modified or altered, which could be a little tricky if you think as I did, about the meaning of render.

what is rendering in programming

To combat the cons, developers have attempted to mesh those techniques together. Remember that with SSR the rendering happens in response to a user’s request and on demand. See how Sanity leverages different rendering methodologies to deliver high-performance, SEO-friendly sites. In web development, rendering has a profound impact on user experience and SEO. When choosing a web rendering strategy, teams often consider the impact of SEO.

React Native: Using KeyboardAvoidingView for Multiline TextInput

When using JavaScript frameworks, developers need to have an understanding of them, such as Vue.js or React (JSX), as the components are written in these languages. Knowledge of both server-side and client-side rendering and how they impact SEO and performance is also essential. Because this duplicates a lot of
HTML, rehydration can cause more problems than just delayed interactivity. Server-side rendering produces HTML on demand for each URL, but it can be slower
than just serving static rendered content.

A GPU is a purpose-built device that assists a CPU in performing complex rendering calculations. If a scene is to look relatively realistic and predictable under virtual lighting, the rendering software must solve the rendering equation. The rendering equation does not account for all lighting phenomena, but instead acts as a general lighting model for computer-generated imagery.

rendering in context of web development

Let’s consider a couple of examples to illustrate how rendering works in JavaScript. If anyone’s interested, here’s a more in-depth coverage of the process described in the article… I want to thank the experts who continually strive to share all the knowledge in the most understandable way possible, some of them are Mark Erikson and Kent C Dodds.

Most client-side JS frameworks such as Angular, React, Svelte, Vue default to CSR as its rendering method. This is usually the default rendering method when you use client-side JavaScript frameworks. It’s usually simpler to get started as you don’t need to use a meta-framework (framework on top of a framework) or further optimization. The final rendering method we need to look at is static site generation (SSG). It works similarly to SSR in the sense that rendering happens on the server, but the notable difference here is when the rendering happens.

Vertex processing

Page render speed is measured from when the browser request is sent (when a user clicks on a link) to when the page becomes fully functional to the user. Page render speed and page load speed (the time it takes for users to see a webpage) are used interchangeably because both processes generally occur within split seconds of one another. Rendering transforms code and components into visually engaging, interactive websites and applications. For what is rendering folks building single page applications, identifying core parts of the user
interface shared by most pages lets you apply the
application shell caching
technique. Combined with service workers, this can dramatically improve
perceived performance on repeat visits, because the page can load its
application shell HTML and dependencies from CacheStorage very quickly. Client-side rendering can be difficult to make and keep fast for mobile devices.

what is rendering in programming

When the pre-image (a wireframe sketch usually) is complete, rendering is used, which adds in bitmap textures or procedural textures, lights, bump mapping and relative position to other objects. Although rendering in React is a process that can become complex, we must recognize the excellent work done by the entire React Team to improve the day to day experience in web development. Knowing the deeper parts of a tool can be useful for people who are just starting to discover it, as well as for people who have been using it for a long time and want to understand what was going on behind the scenes. It is how programming languages are turned into understandable, structured code that, in turn, is turned into the site you see in front of you when you open a web page. This rendering process is an essential step in correctly displaying a web page to the user.

Its most popular use case is for web applications (typically back-office applications or desktop applications and the likes), SaaS dashboards, etc. Because of this, the SSG approach is mostly popular for blogs, simple landing pages, and brochure websites. And because all pages are static, they’re very inflexible and non-dynamic. Examples of SSR are frameworks like Ruby on Rails, PHP Laravel, Elixir Phoenix, or Python Django, and the like. In order to answer that question, we’ll take a bit of a stroll down history lane. These facts considered, web developers must pay careful attention to the requirements for bots and humans to maximize SEO performance.

what is rendering in programming


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