

Planet Hugill: Berlioz and the creation of Gluck's Orphée et Eurydice as a 19th century masterpiece

Planet Hugill: Berlioz and the creation of Gluck's Orphée et Eurydice as a  19th century masterpiece

Orphée et Eurydice Lyric Opera of Chicago

Planet Hugill: Donizetti on the cusp: never a success in his lifetime, Opera Rara reveals much to enjoy in the composer's 1829 opera Il Paria

33. Orfeo ed Euridice / Orphée et Eurydice (Gluck) – The Opera Scribe

Planet Hugill: Berlioz and the creation of Gluck's Orphée et Eurydice as a 19th century masterpiece

Planet Hugill: To delight the eyes and ears without the risk of sinning against reason or common sense: the creation of Reform Opera

Planet Hugill: Researching the mathematics of emotions: composer Arash Safaian on his recent fantasy about Beethoven's music, 'This is (Not) Beethoven

Planet Hugill: December 2020

Gluck's Orfeo ed Euridice: which recording should you buy?

DOC) Berlioz Classic, Romantic, Gluckist

Planet Hugill: Virtuosity and Protest: Frederic Rzewski's Songs of Insurrection receives its first recording