

Wireless Communication Between Two Raspberry Pi Pico W Boards

Wireless Communication Between Two Raspberry Pi Pico W Boards

In this tutorial we are going to make one Raspberry Pi Pico W send random RGB (red, green, blue) values to another Pico W board! This is a very simple project to introduce WiFi communication with MicroPython and could form a basis for a wide variety of projects. The project connects both Pico W boards to your home WiFi network with one acting as a server and the other as a client. Tony came up with this tutorial after tinkering with his Pico W boards soon after the launch of the new wireless Pico, and we couldn't help think "the computers are talking to each otherhow long before SkyNet!". A quick note - this probably isn't the ideal first project if you haven't used a Pico before. For a little warm up and introduction, Raspberry Pi have a great Getting Started Guide here,
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In this tutorial we are going to make one Raspberry Pi Pico W send random RGB (red, green, blue) values to another Pico W board! This is a very simple project to introduce WiFi communication with MicroPython and could form a basis for a wide variety of projects. The project connects both Pico W boards to your home WiFi network with one acting as a server and the other as a client. Tony came up with this tutorial after tinkering with his Pico W boards soon after the launch of the new wireless Pico, and we couldn't help think the computers are talking to each otherhow long before SkyNet!. A quick note - this probably isn't the ideal first project if you haven't used a Pico before. For a little warm up and introduction, Raspberry Pi have a great Getting Started Guide here, or the Get started with MicroPython on Raspberry Pi Pico book is a good option too! What you'll need 2 x Raspberry Pi Pico W boards 2x USB to Micro-USB Cables Thonny Editor installed on your PC Your WiFi network name (SSID) and password The proposed system In a nutshell Both Pico W boards connect to your WiFi network Pico W #1 runs a little web server that receives requests and sends replies to Pico W #2 Pico W #2 continually sends requests to Pico W #1's web server, and receives replies back from it How does it work? Both Pico boards are given your WiFi network's SSID and password. We set up a very simple web server on the first Pico W which waits for requests from the second Pico W. For simplicity we do not decode the requests but treat them all in the same way. We just generate three values, between 0 and 255 inclusive, to represent the red, green and blue components of a colour. The first Pico packs them into a string, separated by commas, and sends that as the reply to the second Pico W. The program prints out its local address once it has connected to our network. We need to note this address as it is used by the second Pico W to request data..The second Pico W repeatedly sends requests to the web server and receives back the data string, which is then unpacked into the three colour values and displayed.For security we save the SSID and password in a separate library file so that it is not visible in the program. Setup 1. Install the Pico W UF2 File First you'll need to make sure you have the latest Raspberry Pi MicroPython UF2 file (the Pico W specific version) on both of your Pico boards. The UF2 files are available here. To install this to your Pico, hold down the BOOTSEL button while plugging the board into a USB port. Your Pico should then show as a mass storage device (like a drive), then just drag over the UF2 file. This will install the firmware on to your board. Once complete the Pico will automatically reset and be ready for use. For now, disconnect both boards and read on. 2. Prepare Thonny To make things a little easier, we can configure Thonny to allow you to open two Thonny Windows (instances) at the same time, enabling you to have a separate Thonny window for each Pico. To do this, open up Thonny and head to Tools > Options > General and untick 'Allow only single Thonny instance'.Now restart Thonny and connect both of your Pico W boards. Select Run > Select Interpreter and choose the first available COM port.Next, open a second Thonny instance (just open the program again from your usual menu). Follow the same process and select the other COM port. You're now running two Thonny windows, one for each Pico W! 3. Install PyStone Lowmem We now have to install some packages to both boards. First, the micropython-pystone_lowmem package. In Thonny navigate to Tools > Manage Packages and search for micropython-pystone_lowmem.Click on the top result as shown below and install it. Then we need to install urequests with the same method as above (ignore any warning): Now in Thonny's REPL (Read Evaluate Print Loop) window, try the following at the prompt (you'll need to save it first, which it will prompt you to do): import pystone_lowmem pystone_lowmem.main() You should see something like this: Now follow the same steps for your other Pico in the other Thonny window, as both boards need to be set up in the same way for this project to work. 4. Create the Secret library Create a new program window in both Thonny windows and copy the following lines: ssid = 'SSID' password = 'PASSWORD' Insert your own WiFi network values between the single quotes and save the program in both boards calling it Creating the Web Server (Pico #1) This program sets up a simple web server (on Pico #1) which generates RGB values and sends them when requested. Copy the code below to a new Thonny window on your first Pico W board, then save it as # Webserver to send RGB data # Tony Goodhew 5 July 2022 import network import socket import time from machine import Pin, ADC from secret import ssid,password import random wlan = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF) wlan.connect(ssid, password) # Wait for connect or fail max_wait = 10 while max_wait > 0: if wlan.status() < 0 or wlan.status() >= 3: break max_wait -= 1 print('waiting for connection') time.sleep(1) # Handle connection error if wlan.status() != 3: raise RuntimeError('network connection failed') else: print('connected') status = wlan.ifconfig() print( 'ip = ' + status[0] ) # Open socket addr = socket.getaddrinfo('', 80)[0][-1] s = socket.socket() s.bind(addr) s.listen(1) print('listening on', addr) # Listen for connections while True: try: cl, addr = s.accept() print('client connected from', addr) request = cl.recv(1024) print(request) # Do not unpack request # We reply to any request the same way # Generate 3 values to send back r = random.randint(0,255) g = random.randint(0,255) b = random.randint(0,255) # Join to make a simple string with commas as separators rgb = str(r) + , + str(g) + ,+str(b) response = rgb # This is what we send in reply cl.send(response) print(Sent: + rgb) cl.close() except OSError as e: cl.close() print('connection closed') Now run the program in Thonny and it will show you it's IP address. Make a note of this then move over to Pico #2 to configure the Client program. Creating the Client Program (Pico #2) This client program requests data from the web server, unpacks it into the three component parts and prints them. Copy the code below to a new Thonny window on your second Pico W board, but before saving it, update the IP address with the IP from your Pico #1 server. Look for the line below and change it to reflect the correct IP address: ai = socket.getaddrinfo(, 80) # Address of Web Server Once updated, save it as on the Pico. # Program to read RGB values from a local Pico Web Server # Tony Goodhew 5th July 2022 # Connect to network import network import time from secret import ssid, password import socket wlan = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF) wlan.connect(ssid, password) while not wlan.isconnected() and wlan.status() >= 0: print(Waiting to connect:) time.sleep(1) # Should be connected and have an IP address wlan.status() # 3 == success wlan.ifconfig() print(wlan.ifconfig()) while True: ai = socket.getaddrinfo(, 80) # Address of Web Server addr = ai[0][-1] # Create a socket and make a HTTP request s = socket.socket() # Open socket s.connect(addr) s.send(bGET Data) # Send request ss=str(s.recv(512)) # Store reply # Print what we received print(ss) # Split into RGB components l = len(ss) ss = ss[2:l-1] # Strip to essentials p = ss.find(,) # Find first comma r = int(ss[0:p]) # Extract RED value ss = ss[p+1:] # Remove red part p = ss.find(,) # Find comma separator g = int(ss[0:p]) # Extract GREEN value b = int(ss[p+1:]) # Extract BLUE value print(r,g,b) # Print RGB values print() # Set RGB LED here s.close() # Close socket time.sleep(0.2) # wait Run the project! Your server on Pico #1 should already be running, so now run the client file on your Pico #2 board. You should see output similar to the example below on your Client Pico, with RGB values provided one after the other: We started these scripts manually, but as an example, you could save the web server program to the first Pico W calling it so that it executes on power up. Things to try Put 3 potentiometers on the Web Server to supply the data Control 3 LEDS or an RGB LED with the data received by the client Send a sensor data (temperature and humidity for example) from the server to the client Move the Picos apart to see how far the WiFi connection is effective If you enjoyed this tutorial and make something cool based on the instructions here, show us on Twitter! About the Author This article was written by Tony Goodhew. Tony is a retired teacher of computing who starting writing code back in 1968 when it was called programming - he started with FORTRAN IV on an IBM 1130! An active Raspberry Pi community member, his main interests now are coding in MicroPython, travelling and photography.

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